With the emergence of online presentation creation and delivery technologies like Brainshark, Kineticast, Prezi, SlideRocket, (yes, I know I'm missing a ton) and of course SlideShare, PowerPoint and Keynote presentations have expanded beyond just boardrooms and classrooms.� People have found many interesting and intriguing ways to utilize slide software and online presentation technologies to tell their stories.�One interesting trend has been the combination of slide software and SlideShare to create a visual resume.� With the economy the way it is in the U.S. and the jobless rate at nearly 10%, job seekers need to do EVERYTHING they can to separate themselves from the other candidates.� While a paper resume sits in a stack of others with similar paper type, color, and font, how can a potential employer really get to know you?
I came across a great visual resume by Saad Ahmed Shaikh, who submitted his presentation for World's Best Presentation Contest 2010.� Check it out below - more after the jump.
My Visual Resume - Saad Ahmed Shaikh (PLEASE VOTE if you like)While there are a few things he could have done to make his presentation a little better, overall he does a great job. Saad uses a great blend of original fonts, imagery, interesting graphs, originality, and even a little humor.� I don't think there's any argument that a visual resume like this is far more engaging and memorable than a standard resume.�
Have you created or seen a visual resume?� If so, let me know in the comments.�
martedì 19 ottobre 2010
Stand Out in the Job Market with a Visual Resume
Check this post Stand Out in the Job Market with a Visual Resume from Presentation Advisors Blog: