lunedì 30 novembre 2009
Lego Matrix Trinity Help
domenica 29 novembre 2009
Campionato Invernale del Circeo - 3a prova
Nella classifica overall si impone Bonaventura DS su Mangiamiglia e sul 44.7 Bonaventura. Nella crociera classica vince Gandal su Festinalente ed Aquerol, nella crociera veloce primo gruppo Mangiamiglia su Bonanventura e Tytire, nella crociera veloce secondo gruppo Bonaventura Ds si impone su Old Fox e Sica.
Le classifiche complete su
Prossimo appuntamento per il 13 Dicembre.....
stay tuned..
49er World Championship 2009
Trovato questo video su BLUR solo ora.
Quasi 8 minuti di libidine pura che ci raccontano il mondiale 2009 di Riva.
Este 24, sorpresa d'inverno
L'Este 24 non � una di quelle barche per cui andiamo pazzi.
Aver messo insieme per� oltre 20 barche per l'invernale � segno di vitalit� della classe.
Qui sono tutti d'accordo, da anni si va a Santa Marinella, punto.
La scelta di un campionato unico, a giudicare i numeri paga eccome.
Se a questo aggiungete che il sito della classe - - � semplice e ben fatto ecco come mai anche loro sono finiti su AV.
C'� da prendere qualche spunto ...
p.s. il video � quello dell'Italiano 2009 disputato a Fiumicino![]()
mercoledì 25 novembre 2009
BOR Footage
America�s Cup, il defender commenta l�udienza odierna
Il Defender dell' America's Cup, la Soci�t� Nautique de Gen�ve, ha esposto questa mattina le sue ragioni davanti alla Divisone d'Appello della Suprema Corte di New York per sostenere i suoi due fondamentali diritti sanciti dal Deed of Gift: il diritto di scegliere la sede e il diritto di regatare contro un challenger che rispetti le regole di stazza contenute nel Deed of Gift.
America�s Cup, dichiarazione del Golden Gate Yacht Club
Al termine dell'udienza relativa al ricorso in appello presentato dalla Soci�t� Nautique de Gen�ve contro la decisione del giudice Shirley Kornreich, che lo scorso 27 ottobre aveva dichiarato non valida la scelta di Ras al Khaimah, il Golden Gate Yacht Club ha diffuso un comunicato stampa.
lunedì 23 novembre 2009
Adesso Vela, going back to my roots
Scatta l'operazione porte aperte su Adesso Vela.
Come cantano, e bene, gli Odissey c'� la voglia di tornare per un p� alle radici.
Quelle che hanno contribuito a farci diventare cos� tanti.
Un senso di nostalgia divenuto addirittura insostenibile dopo aver letto due righe dell'amica di blog Frappedifollia che 6 mesi fa scriveva:
"...avrei potuto scrivere il post del secolo.
quasi e dico quasi eguagliare i contatti di adessovela con le loro baruffe degne dei tronisti di maria de filippi..."
Insomma a due anni di et� ci sentiamo maturi per riaprire il circo dei commenti.
Ci sar� da ridere e anche molto per confrontarsi.
Che parta pure il TAM TAM della TRIBU'!
p.s. tanto poi moderiamo noi pubblicando, naturalmente, solo quello che vogliamo.![]()
venerdì 20 novembre 2009
Wing and a jib...
33rd America�s Cup - BMW ORACLE Racing - Wing trials, Day 5 - BMW Oracle Racing � Photo Gilles Martin-Raget
BOR Blog Report:
With a 7am start off the mooring today, thermal underwear and knits caps were the most popular items of team kit this morning. As the days get shorter, even San Diego�s perpetual sunshine can�t remove the morning chill from the air.
The guys tested some soft sails today taking a look at code zeros and gennakers for use with the hard wing sail configuration. �We had a good look at the sails and some nice upwind sailing today,� said Simeon Tienpont (NED).
Later in the day, the bowsprit broke, bringing the day�s testing to a close. �It�s frustrating to break gear but we would rather break it now,� Simeon said. �We are still finding the limits on this boat and breakages are part of that process. We are all learning together. Tomorrow we will get back at it.�
Meanwhile for one of the lead wing designers, Joseph Ozanne (FRA), the aeronautical engineer had his first day on board with the wing sail. �It was really good to be on board with the trimmers and understand their point of view as the end-users of this design. This link between the designers and sailors allows us to continually improve our performance. And for me personally, it�s always a great day when I have the chance to get on board � even though it was a bit cold today.�
Posted by Peter Rusch at 20:54
Grant Simmer on progress and modifications to Alinghi 5
'Grant Simmer' George Johns/Alinghi
After six weeks of sailing in near perfect conditions in Ras Al Khaimah, catches up with design team coordinator, Grant Simmer, on progress with the America�s Cup Defender Alinghi.
She is completing the current phase of the Alinghi 5 development programme today in Ras Al Khaimah and over the next few days the team will wheel the giant catamaran into the boat shed for some modifications. This next phase will keep the team busy up until she ships out to Valencia to continue developing towards the February 8 2010 America�s Cup Match. speaks to design team coordinator, Grant Simmer, about the modifications and the development so far:
Grant Simmer and Loick Peyron - George Johns-Alinghi
The team has been testing and training in Ras Al Khaimah for the past six weeks, what have been the main areas of focus and the goals?
Grant Simmer: We changed to the new, bigger, rig soon after we came here and we have been working on our sail crossovers and learning about optimum angles; really just concentrating on learning to sail the boat and optimising the performance.
Have the conditions in Ras Al Khaimah been conducive to the testing and development?
Grant Simmer: One of the reasons we came to Ras Al Khaimah in the first place was that the winter months offer really nice sailing conditions and that is what we have enjoyed here. Luckily we have only lost a couple of days in the six weeks that we have been here and that was mainly due to too much wind. The conditions have been great and very stable so we don�t expect much change from that.
Alinghi 5 sailing off Ras al-Khaimah - Alinghi Team
Can you hint at the modifications that will be made to Alinghi 5 over the coming days?
Grant Simmer: Well, you will see them at the end of the week! The thing about this boat is that everything is so massive that you have to plan months in advance to make virtually any component in the boat. We have been manufacturing these pieces in Villeneuve, Switzerland, where we still have a factory (the same one that built the boat) and the boys have done a good job and delivered the parts on time so we will spend next week installing them.
Is adapting the boat for Valencia in February a consideration at this point?
Grant Simmer: Since the decision on Valencia, the default venue, we have been adapting the boat to the increased variability there at the time of the Match. Of course in the background we still have the appeal on the RAK decision, which we feel quite strongly about because RAK is a far better place to race these boats in February; something we have said repeatedly.
Any plans for the few days off?!
Grant Simmer: Actually I plan to take the weekend off to go to Dubai so I�m looking forward to that!
stay with us
lunedì 16 novembre 2009
Double Response Rates for Your Win Loss Analysis Program
Imagine that you�ve just learned that a prospect has elected to go with the competitions solution instead of yours. Your sales team did everything they could to understand the prospects needs and build the relationship. Your product managers and marketing executives provided excellent support as well as thorough well-thought out responses to all the prospects product-related questions. The demonstration of your solution went exceptionally well. Management was actively following the opportunity, and everyone thought you were going to win. The deal was an important one because of who the prospect was, or the absolute size of the deal, or the industry the prospect was in, or a combination of these things.Now everyone wants to know why you lost.
Your prospect just selected the competition, and youve been tasked with calling the decision makers to find out exactly what happened and learn everything you can about why they chose the competition.
You spend the next three weeks leaving messages, but they dont call you back, or you catch them live on the phone, but they don�t have time to answer your questions. Now what?
One of the constant challenges that we face in the execution of win loss analysis is maximizing response rates or participation rates. That challenge is even greater in this type of market research because sample is limited and you only have a finite number of competitive wins and losses you can study. If we aren�t able to get them to participate, it is a missed learning opportunity that we cant necessarily duplicate.
The example above is probably one youre familiar with if you are involved with your companys win loss program. The question becomes, How can we increase our response rates?
At Primary Intelligence, we spend a lot of time and resources addressing this very question. There are quite a few things we do to increase participation rates for our customers, but one of the most important practices we have identified is to create and utilize what we call introduction notes. These are notes that introduce why you want to talk to the decision maker and what you are hoping to accomplish. While the content of this note is very important to improving response rates, who this note ultimately comes from can be even more important than the words you use . There are three potential options when it comes to deciding who the introduction note will come from:
- From a key executive (higher the better, with CEO being best)
- From the sales representative responsible for the deal
- From you
To successfully implement this practice, you will need to choose which of these three options will work best for your situation and then create two introduction note templatesone for your wins and one for your losses. If you analyze your no decision deals, you will want a different introduction note for that as well.
The introduction note really helps remove the surprise attack feeling that decision makers can get when you are cold calling them to do a debrief of their purchase decision. Cold calling a decision maker is a lot like the solicitor that knocks on your dooryou open the door expecting someone you know and instead get a complete stranger that wants to wash your windows or aerate your lawn. Surprising a decision maker is a sure way to kill response rates for your win loss analysis program.
There are five key elements to include in the introduction note that you will send on behalf of an executive, the sales representative, or yourself:
- Introduce the executive, the sales rep or yourself at the beginning of the note
- Introduce the purpose of the e-mailto understand how you can improve
- Ask them to be candid and forthcomingwe learn the most from our mistakes
- Identify the amount of time youll need for the interviewbe specific and honest here
- Let them know when you plan on calling to schedule the interview at their convenience
Even though there are a lot of elements you need to include, it is important that you keep your note brief and to the point. For these notes, straightforward information and a simple request will be your most persuasive argument.
Introduction Note from Key Executive
This is your best option for improving participation rates. You can send the e-mail on behalf of the executive, but you will want the executive to understand what youre doing and have him or her sign off on the processas they could get replies from decision makers and they will need to be in a position to respond to those replies. C-level executive sponsorship will do wonders for increasing response rates, with the CEO being the best possible option.
This approach is easiest if you have a direct executive sponsor. You will be sending the e-mail on behalf of the executive you ultimately get to sponsor your efforts. This way, you have complete control over the process and your efforts wont be held up by the executives busy schedule.
When you have an executive sponsor, you will want to emphasize to respondents that they can reach out to the executive if they have any questions or concerns. Make sure your executive is prepared for this situation, as it can really have a positive impact on decision makers when they see your companys commitment to them and improving your solution to meet their needs.
Introduction Note from Responsible Sales Representative
If you cant get an executive sponsor, the next best solution is to involve sales in the win loss analysis process. An important distinction here is that the sales rep responsible for the deal should not be doing the interview with decision makers. Decision makers will filter out information they perceive to be negative if the sales representative is the one doing the interview with them. See my post on sales-derived versus decision maker-derived win loss analysis for more on this topic.
In order to get sales support, you will likely have to overcome some natural anxiety that the sales representative will have with you contacting the people they were selling to. You will want to reinforce that this process is to identify areas for improvementto help them sell moreand not a witch hunt. Dont be too hard on your sales repsimagine how you would feel if someone said they were going to come in and analyze how you were doing your job. Its natural for them to feel some discomfort, but once they see the results of your efforts and how you intend to leverage those results, this discomfort and anxiety should fade away.
You will want to send the e-mail on behalf of the sales representative so that you can control the process, although we have quite a few customers that have their sales representatives send the introduction notes directly. A sales representative introduction note differs in a few ways from an executive introduction note. You will want to add the following elements to your sales introduction notes:
- Reinforce that you are not trying to re-engage the sales process (applies to losses and no decisions)
- Make the request for a debrief a personal request on behalf of the sales repleverage the relationship the sales person has with them
Introduction Note From You
If you are utilizing this method it means that you werent able to get executive sponsorship or sales support in your efforts to review why you are winning and losing. Dont worry, you can overcome this lack of sponsorship and sales support by pressing forward and gathering actionable data that you can share with both executives and sales. Utilize the data to accomplish your objectives, but dont be selfish with it. Share the data with everyone you think could benefit from it, including the CEO (trust me, these guys are ALWAYS interested in why you are winning and losing), product management, product marketing, sales support, sales management, marketing, and sales representatives. In our experience, it only takes sharing a couple of reviewed opportunities (especially losses) before both executives and sales will recognize the value of the intelligence and get on board with the program. However, this cant happen if you arent sharing the dataIve seen too many cases where this valuable intelligence isnt shared across the organization.
The most important thing to remember about introduction notes that are coming from you is that you are letting the decision maker know why you want to talk to them and removing that surprise element. Practicing this will improve your response rates, but your real goal is to upgrade your program to the executive-level introduction notes or the sales representative introduction notes.
Sample Introduction Note Templates
Over the years, Primary Intelligence has created many of the three types of introduction notes I described above. We have spent a lot of time and effort in creating notes that will elicit the kind of response we need to be successful. If you would like a template for one of these introduction note types, send me an e-mail with the template you are interested in and Ill send you a sample of what were currently using to help move you along with this best practice.
About the Author: Ken Allred, Founder and CEO of Primary Intelligence, is a thought leader in SaaS-based sales intelligence, analytics and sales enablement solutions. He is committed to the optimization of sales, marketing and product management teams through the implementation of advanced Sales 2.0 intelligence solutions.
Nel 2012 il Mondiale Melges 24 ritorna in Italia
Dove eravamo rimasti?
Ah gi�... la dirigenza della classe italiana a corto di argomenti non produceva nessun materiale per presentare la propria candidatura ed il mondiale 2012 veniva assegnato all'Australia, terra lontana e, a dire il vero, senza una presenza congrua di barche, cosa che invece in Italia certo non manca.
Ed ora eccoci qui a festeggiare la nuova dirigenza di classe che sembra avere imboccato la strada giusta, prima presentando il calendario 2010 in assoluto anticipo su tutto il mondo velistico nazionale, ed ora conquistando proprio quel mondiale che la vecchia gestione non aveva saputo richiedere. In Australia di barche non ce n'erano n� ne sono arrivate e la premiata ditta Testolin & Babini � giustamente tornata alla carica in occasione dell'ultimo meeteing AGM.
Quindi a Settembre 2012 ad Alghero avremo il secondo mondiale Sardo, tutti contenti (non tanto gli anglosassoni che tifano per il loro regno) e forse con i traghetti gratis.
E' gi� partito anche il sito
Certo Alghero � una scommessa, posto bellissimo e affascinante, campo di regata superbo ma dovr� prima superare il test della tappa Volvo Cup del prossimo Aprile. Nel caso � gi� pronto un piano B col mondiale che anzich� sardo parlerebbe maremmano. Certo mancano 3 anni ma Annapolis con le sue 50 barche sperdute nella fredda nebbia e nella corrente sar� presto solo un brutto ricordo.
Adesso che bello sarebbe correggere la sciagurata deriva tecnica della classe internazionale, riuscire a scacciare o ridimensionare la banda Brown&Cheever, gente che su un 24 non � forse mai neppure salita, prima che si inventino luci di via, winch e chiss� che altro per rovinare la pi� bella classe monotipo del mondo. Intanto la loro proposta di obbligare dal 1/1/11 le barche che regatano in manifestazioni modiali e continentali ad avere a riva il nuovo strallo � stata bocciata.
E' ora che la nostra flotta, con i suoi numeri ed i suoi risultati, riprenda un p� pi� di peso a livello amministrativo internazionale. Riccardo se ci sei batti un colpo?
Kicker KART non solo calcetto e Vela....Ciccio buona la prima!!!
10 i piloti scesi (letteralmente) in pista… Cristiano, Andrea, Pippo, Stefano, David, Augusto, Francesco, Aldo Donato e Massimo
Prima Pole del Campionato la stacca Stefano velocissimo sul giro confusionario nel gruppom partito dalla pole position, si attardava in partenza nel salutare la figlioletta Beatrice a bordo pista, non vedeva il verde, e veniva risucchiato nel gruppo finendo in testa coda alla U della muratella.
David, penalizzato in qualifica dalla sua auto versione Force India, a fine gara in stile montezemoliano, annunciava dalla prossima gara l’utilizzo del kers.
Augusto, negata l’autorizzazione dall’Enel ad utilizzare l’auto aziendale in pista, veniva visto nel tardo pomeriggio sul raccordo all’altezza dell’uscita della Collatina, fermarsi con il suo kart ad una stazione di servizio chiedendo quanto mancasse all’arrivo.
Aldo e Massimo, giunti nelle retrovie, disputavano gli ultimi 3 giri di gara intonando a squarciagola...”Ma che ce’ che ce’ ‘mporta...” pensando all’agoniata Fiorentina da 7 etti che li aspettava da li’ a poco.
Pippo nonostante il brillante terzo posto a fine gara veniva sbeffeggiato perfino dal cane che, in dialetto red bull, gli diceva “Anche io sarei arrivato prima di te”
Francesco riusciva nell’ardua impresa di prendere una multa per sosta in doppia fila nella chicane finale: vani i tentativi di spiegare ad un vigile urbano appostato a bordo pista che non era fermo ma si era solo girato 4 volte.
Andrea, avendo afferrato troppo tardi che la competizione si svolgeva su pista di kart e non al Bowling di Via Regina Margherita, riusciva a piazzare una zampata finale aggiudicandosi il secondo posto dopo uno strike ai danni di Pippo e Dodi.
Infine Valerio Vallerani, assente ingiustificato in pista, di ritorno da una mattina da boscaiolo sui monti della Tolfa (al riguardo indossava camicia intonata come prova), faceva a tavola registrare i seguenti tempi:
- ingurgitamento completo di antipasto: 3 sec e 24 centestimi
- ingoglio del primo: 4 secondi e 45 centesimi
- divoramento Fiorentina da 2 chili: 5 secondi netti
Applausi finali di tutto il ristorante a fine “pasto” con orchestra locale che intonava per il Valerio “You are the champion” in dialetto ciociaro.
Prossimo Gran Premio alla Pista d’oro sulla Tiburtina (pluasibili date intorno a meta’ dicembre o meta’ gennaio) con a seguire solito pranzo in zona (dove ovviamente il Vallerani trionfera’ senza dubbio).
Alla prossima!!
venerdì 13 novembre 2009
martedì 10 novembre 2009
Il Circo torna a Valencia ...
lunedì 9 novembre 2009
venerdì 6 novembre 2009
volvo cup test drive - laser sb3
Numana 28-29 Novembre
Taranto 19-20 dicembre
Negri nautica in collaborazione con la Classe Laser SB3, la Volvo Cup, il Circolo Vela Torbole, lo Yacht Club Riviera del Conero e la sede nautica di Onda Buena a Taranto vi darà l’opportunità di provare il Laser SB3.
Saranno due le imbarcazioni a disposizione, entrambe con a bordo esperti della classe che potranno essere provate nei tre fine settimana.
- Nord Italia a Torbole (Lago di Garda) - 14-15 Novembre
- Centro Italia a Numana (Ancona) - 28-29 Novembre
- Sud Italia a Taranto - 19-20 Dicembre
La prova è gratuita.
Per iscriverti inviaci una email a con i seguenti dati:
- Nome e Cognome
- Numero di telefono
- Data preferita
- Numero di persone
- Luogo della prova (Torbole o Numana)
Di seguito il Calendario della Classe Laser SB3 2010:
Marzo 06-07 - Numana
Aprile 24-25 – Numana
Maggio 29-30 – Torbole
Giugno 25-27 - Torbole - Campionato Italiano
Luglio 18-23- - Torbole – World Championship
Ottobre Data da confermare
Il Laser SB3 è barca riconosciuta dalla Federazione Italiana Vela e dall’ISAF International Sailing Federation.
La Sport Boat del cantiere Performance Sailcraft, costruttore del Laser, ha raggiunto le 600 unità prodotte nello scorso mese di Settembre con altissimi numeri di diffusione in tutto il mondo con flotte in Francia, Australia, Inghilterra, Irlanda, Singapore, UAE, Portogallo, Francia, Germania, Olanda, Ucraina, Russia, Stati Uniti, Sud Africa, Svizzera.
Il Laser SB3 rappresenta oggi il concetto di estrema monotipia sulle Sport Boat, in quanto anche le vele sono fornite dal cantiere, generando regate che sono sfide assolutamente ad armi pari. Attualmente il laser SB3 rappresenta uno dei migliori rapporti qualità prezzo tra le Sport Boat in Europa.
Nel 2010 è stato assegnato il Campionato del Mondo all’Italia e sono previsti non meno di 100 partecipanti.
Laser SB3 - Per informazioni e prenotazioni prove: